(南京中科水治理股份有限公司,江蘇 南京 210016)
Applicationof the Ecological Restoration Technique
toNew Man-made Lake
Zouhongju, Chai xia, Liu pingping*
(Nanjing Zhongke Water Environment Engineering CO.,Ltd,Jiangsu Province Nanjing City 210016)
Abstract:The ecological restoration techniqueto new man-made lake is dependent on the basis of traditional ecological restorationtechnique to contaminated lake,and it was creatively used in Dayuangongyuan lake(30°42′N,104°2′E) water environment engineering. Through analyzing the waterquality data of Dayuangongyuan lake from March 2012 to April 2013, the following conclusions are: (1) according to Environmental Quality Standards for SurfaceWater, the lake water quality remains stable at II-III level; (2) the average Secchidisk depth is above 1.8m; (3) accordingto TLI(∑) Standards,the lake water quality remains stable at meso-trophication;(4) Diversityof submerged plants increased. To conclude, the ecological restoration technique to new man-madelake was successfully applied in Dayuangongyuan lake. The case can providereference for other new man-made lakes water environment engineering.
Keywords: new man-made lake;the ecological restoration technique; Eutrophication control